Rattler/Firebird Unit Awards

The following awards were earned by the Rattlers and Firebirds during our service in Vietnam. The citations for each of the awards is available in Adobe Acrobat format by clicking on the Department of the Army General Order number, DAGO 43, 66 for example.

All Units

Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross w/Palm

7 December 65, DAGO 612 (to the 145th Avn Batallion)

8 Feb 62-28 Mar 73, DAGO 74, 8, dated 19 March 1974 (see note below)

Company A/501st Aviation Battalion

Presidential Unit Citation

10-13 Jun 65, DAGO 43, 66

Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross w/Palm 1 Mar 66-26 Mar 67, DAGO 22, 68

71st Aviation Company

Presidential Unit Citation (Navy) 28 Jul-1 Aug 67, 3D MAR DIV, DAGO 32, 73, 

Valorous Unit Award (3 times)

13-19 Aug 67, DAGO 37, 70

12 May 68, DAGO 43, 70

11-31 Aug 69 DAGO 43, 72

Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross w/Palm (5 times) 1 Mar 66-26 Mar 67, DAGO 22, 68 27 Mar 67-17 May 68, DAGO 46, 69 amended DAGO 21, 69 24 Aug-31 Dec 69 & 31 Mar-30 Jun 70, 23D ID, DAGO 42,72,III,1;6 8 Feb-31 Mar 71, 16TH CAG, DAGO 42,72,III,1;5 1 Apr-30 Jun 71, DAGO 6, 74

151st Transportation Detachment

Presidential Unit Citation 10-13 Jun 65, DAGO 43, 66
Valorous Unit Award (3 times) 13-19 Aug 67 DAGO 37, 70 12 May 68, DAGO 43, 70 1 Oct-31 Dec 69, 1/9 CAV, DAGO 32,73,II

Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross w/Palm (4 times)

1 Mar 66-26 Mar 67, DAGO 22, 68

27 Mar 67-17 May 68, DAGO 46, 69, amended DAGO 21, 69

1 Sep 69-Feb 70, 1ST CAV, DAGO 42,72,I

22 Feb-19 May 71, 1ST CAV, DAGO 42,72,II

Republic of Vietnam Civil Actions Honor Medal, First Class 1 Sep 69-1 Feb 70, 1ST CAV, DAGO 42,72,I

94th Signal Detachment

Presidential Unit Citation 10-13 Jun 65, DAGO 43, 66
Valorous Unit Award (2 times) 13-19 Aug 67 DAGO 37, 70 12 May 68, DAGO 43, 70
Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross w/Palm (2 times) 1 Mar 66-26 Mar 67, DAGO 22, 68 27 Mar 67-18 May 68, DAGO 46, 69, amended DAGO 21, 69

Campaign Participation Credit

An organization is given campaign participation credit if it actually engaged the enemy in combat, was stationed in the combat zone, or performed duties either in the air or on the ground in any part of the combat zone during the time limitations of the campaign. Service stars are worn on the service and campaign medals to denote participation in campaigns. The following are lists of campaigns for the Vietnam.

  • Vietnam Advisory Campaign, 15 March 1962–7 March 1965.
  • Vietnam Defense Campaign, 8 March 1965–24 December 1965.
  • Vietnam Counteroffensive, 25 December 1965–30 June 1966.
  • Vietnam Counteroffensive, Phase II, 1 July 1966–31 May 1967 (Arrowhead authorized only for members of the 173d Airborne Brigade who actually participated in a landing in the vicinity of Katum, RVN, between the hours of 0900-0907, inclusive, on 27 February 1967). (Note: it is our belief that this event actually occurred on 22 Feb 1967.)
  • Vietnam Counteroffensive, Phase III, 1 June 1967–29 January 1968.
  • TET Counteroffensive, 30 January 1968–1 April 1968.
  • Vietnam Counteroffensive, Phase IV, 2 April 1968–30 June 1968.
  • Vietnam Counteroffensive, Phase V, 1 July 1968–1 November 1968.
  • Vietnam Counteroffensive, Phase VI, 2 November 1968–22 February 1969.
  • TET 69 Counteroffensive, 23 February 1969–8 June 1969.
  • Vietnam Summer-Fall 1969, 9 June 1969–31 October 1969.
  • Vietnam Winter-Spring 1970, 1 November 1969–30 April 1970.
  • DA Sanctuary Counteroffensive, 1 May 1970–30 June 1970.
  • Vietnam Counteroffensive, Phase VII, 1 July 1970–30 June 1971.
  • Consolidation I, 1 July 1971–30 November 1971.
  • Consolidation II, 1 December 1971–29 March 1972.
  • Vietnam CEASE-FIRE, 30 March 1972–28 January 1973.

SOURCE: Department of the Army Pamphlet 672-3 Unit Citation and Campaign Participation Credit Register Dated: 29 January 1988

Note: DAGO means Department of the Army General Orders and is the authority under which the award was authorized. For example DAGO 43, 66 is Department of the Army General Orders number 43 issued in 1966.

Note About Foreign Awards

The Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross w/Palm and the Republic of Vietnam Civil Actions Honor Medal, First Class were awarded by the government of South Vietnam. As such, the medals and ribbons cannot be re-issued by the Army. If you didn’t recieve them and want to obtain them, you must purchase them yourself. These awards are available from our own Bill Di Dio’s (EM 68-69) company LZ Nam.

Note About DAGO 8, 74

DAGO 8, 74 was issued on 19 March, 1974. If your DD-214 was issued prior to that date, it may not reflect your elegibility for the Vietnam Cross of Gallantry. If you would like to get the records corrected, amended discharge papers (DD-215) can be issued. Use the Standard Form 180 – Request Pertaining to Military Records to obtain the necessary documentation. You can also submit a request on line at eVetRecs.