Help with How to Locate Men

If you desire to locate someone on our unlocated list, here are a few tips.  Where there is a state listed by the name, this info was derived from the first three numbers of either the persons service number or their social security number and only indicates the state (or possible states) in which this person resided about 40 years ago.  At least it’s a starting point if they stayed close to home or moved back home after a military career.

Using your computer on a website like, or you can run the name for free.  Often these sites will give you an age range, i.e. 60-65, that can help you to narrow your results.  The more common the name, the more phone number possibilities you will get.  Websites like these want you to buy their services to receive more info.  We do not purchase this.  If it is not free, we move on to the next person.

If you are looking for an old friend and happen to remember the town he lived in, you can run his last name with the city and state and maybe find a relative who can assist you.

If you do locate one of our guys, please get all the info you can, as in, address, phone numbers, email address, and ask if they have any contact with anyone who served with them in our unit.  Sometimes we get two for the price of one this way.

If you locate anyone or someone who does not have any interest in our Association, please let Ron Seabolt know at .  Good luck!