Richard Wayne McGee
Name: Richard Wayne McGee
Rank/Grade: CPL - E4 - Army - Regular
Age: 19
Marital Status: Single
Race: Caucasian
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: May 22, 1947
From: Gary, Indiana
Length of Service: 2 years
Tour Began: Sep 03, 1965
Casualty Date: July 1, 1966
Hostile/Non-Hostile: HOSTILE
Body Recovered: Yes
Religion: Baptist
Vietnam Memorial: Panel 08E - - Line 116
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Linda K Green

My brother … my hero … my friend.
Our beautiful Mother passed away on January 30, 2005 and it brings me immeasurable peace to know that she is now with you and after almost 40 years can hold you in her arms again.
I love you Richard.

Fort Wayne
Edward S. Maryliw

Corp. McGee was with the Firebirds. When I came into country he qualified me as door gunner on the slicks. He was a very caring soldier and I will miss him forever.

Terrell, TX
In the same platoon
Gary R. Fischer

Didn’t know ya,- wish I had

Terrell, TX
In the same platoon
franchot lee

the finest example of the 25th div.
would put him self above all others.
made my job better.

slidell la
Ron Seabolt

Richard McGee died 3 months before I got to our unit. I did not know him then, but feel as if I know him well now. I have heard nothing but kind words about him and his story in our May 2005 newsletter. Our thanks to Richard’s sister, Linda Green, for sharing very personal memories of her hero and making Richard a “real” person to the men that never knew him. RIP!

Lived in the same hootch
Dennis C Eichler

I served with Richard McGee in Hawaii with the 25th Division. I arrived in Hawaii in January of 1965. I know our enlistment dates were within months of each other. I lied about my age and joined the Army at 16 years old, in September 1964. Richard wasn’t much older. We were actually in the same squad. (1st squad) Company A 2nd Battalion 35th Infantry, 3rd Brigade. I signed up for the same Shotgun program Richard was in, but I was not accepted. Richard left for Vietnam around September 1965. We later deployed to Vietnam and were stationed at Pleiku. I heard but could not verify, that when Richard’s tour with the Shotgun program was over, he could have returned to our company, A-2-35, but chose to stay with his Door Gunner company. In June of 1966, I was wounded seriously enough to get out of the Nam and to Japan. June, July and August 1966 were bad months for our company. We had many casualties and Richard knew many of them since he had served with us in Hawaii. It was in Japan that I learned of Richards death through the Stars and Stripes. I was very saddened. Richard was top notch. I respected him very much as a person and as a soldier. He was so young and so brave. Before he left Hawaii for the Nam, he gave me one of his well tailored fatigue shirts which I wore until I was discharged in September 1967. His uniforms were always tailored and his appearance encouraged me to emulate his style. If you look at the photo of Richard on this post, you will see that he is wearing the 1st issue Vietnam fatigue shirt. The one were the buttons show through the pocket flaps. I have a photo of myself wearing the shirt that Richard gave me. It too, was the old style. I was lucky to survive the Nam. Richard died a hero, doing what he was truly meant to be…..A Door Gunner. I know he was brave on every mission he went on. The job of a Door Gunner is not for those who are afraid. Door Gunners are special and I always repected and admired them when I flew on Choppers and I thought of Richard when I looked at the face of each Door Gunner. I wish I could have seen him in the Nam. God Bless Richard and his family. He was one of a kind and is remembered by many. It’s hard to believe that so many years have passed. I’m retired now from the Chicago Police Department after over 33 years of service

Linda K Green

39 years ago today. It’s been a lifetime since we lost you but I can still close my eyes and see your smile and hear your laughter.
I miss you. I will forever.

Raleigh, NC
Freddy Dutton

I served with Richard McGee in Hawaii. We volunteered for Door Gunners in Vietnam and went there and served together. He slept on the top bunk and I slept on the bottom bunk. We usually flew together everyday. I have tried to contact his family for nearly 40 years. If anyone remembers me, please contact me.

Muncie, In.
Half brother
Linda K Green

I met them Richard … the men who call you ‘brother’. They loved you then and, just like me, they always will.
You were, you are and you will forever be my hero. “You are the wind beneath my wings”.

Linda K. Green

Yesterday at Ft. Bliss in El Paso, Texas our big brother Gene was laid to rest with military honors.
You always wanted to be just like him and he was the reason you joined the Army. Now the two of you are in heaven together. Forever.
I miss you and love you both but I will see you again … someday.
P.S. Gene’s a little older than he was the last time you saw him but I know you’ll recognize him. He’s wearing my Rattler-Firebird Vietnam bracelet.

West Lafayette
Linda Green

Joe went to sleep on Monday, October 9, and woke up in Heaven with you, Richard.
I have no more brothers here on Earth but I know that the three of you are together forever and that makes the emptiness a little easier to bear.

Newark, Delaware
High School Classmate / Friend
Richard DeGroot

I remember Richard from our service in Hawaii we volunteered to go to Viet nam at the same fine. Proud to be friends with him. He was liked very much. Rest in peace my friend

Plymouth, Indiana
graduated with Andy in 1968 from Knox H
fred smith

Richard was my gunner on numerous missions, was a very good soldier

Asheville, NC