Rattler/Firebird Privacy Policy

The Rattler/Firebird Association takes your privacy very seriously. The following statement describes our official privacy policy.

No information whatsoever is collected about you unless you specifically submit a form containing information about yourself and then only information that you specifically enter is sent. Information collected by us on this web site is for our own internal use only and no information about any visitor is shared, rented, sold, or otherwise distributed to any entity outside the Rattler/Firebird Association.

You should know that guestbook entries are publicly accessable. In short, do not post personal information that you would not want the general public to know.

Some pages of this web site use cookies. Cookies are small bits of information that are stored on your computer to enable certain web site functionality. This web site uses what are called session cookies. Those cookies, or bits of information are deleted when you close your browser. No information is stored any longer than the length of your browsing session.