Rattler/Firebird Sounds
Here are some sounds from the Rattlers and Firebirds as well as other sources and some sounds from movies and a couple of music tracks as well.

Real Sounds
Mark Leopold Firebird 93 support mission (102k) | Mark Leopold Firebird 93 support mission |
StarsAndStripes.mp3 (102k) | AFVN ad for Stars & Stripes with Pat Sajak |
firebird91.mp3 (144k) | Firebird 91 (Jack Horn) talking with the Aussies at Nui-Dat. Recording provided by Graham Kemp, Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. |
NewsIntro.mp3 (26k) | AFVN News intro |
HitsKeepComing.mp3 (12k) | AFVN and the hits keep coming on |
minigun.mp3 (15k) | Test firing a minigun |
m60ground.mp3 (39k) | M60 machine gun on ground during mortar attack |
m60air.mp3 (40k) | M60 machine gun in flight |
flyby2.mp3 (88k) | Another Huey Fly-by |
flyby.mp3 (36k) | Huey Fly-by |
hover.mp3 (3k) | Huey Hovering |
HueyStartup.mp3 (82k) | Huey Start-up |
Movie Sounds
Disclaimer: The sound clips about shooting women and children and identifying VC are not representative of what actually occurred in our unit. They are representative of the type of “gallows humor” that allowed us to retain some small portion of our sanity.
God’s Own Lunatics, by Joe Galloway, from a Military Channel documentary named In the Shadow of the Blade | |
I love the smell of napalm in the morning From Apocalypse Now | |
How come you guys sit on your helmets? From Apocalypse Now | |
How can you tell if they’re VC? From Full Metal Jacket | |
How can you shoot women and children? From Full Metal Jacket | |
Incoming! From Full Metal Jacket | |
Good Morning Vietnam! From the move of the same name |
GodBless.mp3 (738k) | The Association’s Unofficial Anthem |
wingedsoldiers.mp3 (304k) | Winged Soldiers a patriotic song about Army helicopter pilots |