Rattler/Firebird Guestbook

Larry Walters’ Pictures   [E-mail]

Former: with
Call sign:

May 6, 2024 - ,

Dai Phan’s Pictures   [E-mail]

Former: with
Call sign:

From 2012

Dai Phan in his own words. “I work for the VA and have lived through the entire VN war. I was there when Tet offensive began till the day the NVA tanks rolled through the presidential palace. I saw Hueys searching for the enemies to Mig-17s landing in Da Nang. I escaped from VN and I have given presentations of my adventure nationally.” He recently presented our own Jim Malek with a museum quality model of a huey, painted in Rattler trim.

May 6, 2024 - ,

Dave Weber’s Oshkosh Pictures   [E-mail]

Former: with
Call sign:

From 2011

One of our aircraft, UH-1 B #63-12923 was later transferred to the Navy and used with the Seawolves. The VHPA recently found this aircraft and restored its Navy trim. They displayed the aircraft at Oshkosh in 2011. Our Dave "Dewey" Weber was there to photograph the event.

May 6, 2024 - ,

560 Continues to Fly   [E-mail]

Former: with
Call sign:

From 2010-11

Ken Krauss, vice president of Blackhawk Helicopters, Inc., supplied these photos of aircraft 64-13560 in its current configuration which includes a tribute to the Rattlers and Firebirds. Thanks, Ken!

Photos From John Mateyko's visit in January 2011

Pictures of tail modifications

Tribute Video by Blackhawk Helicopters

May 6, 2024 - ,

Georgia Militia Meeting   [E-mail]

Former: with
Call sign:

From 2007

In April, 2007, there was a small get together at George Hardeman's lake place in Georgia. Here is Vic Bandini's report on the event:

Back late Sunday night from our weekend at George Hardeman's lake place in Georgia. Had a great time, the weather was beautiful, lots of good food, Firebird Fuel (booze), war stories and laughs. The Georgia militia meeting was attended by Jim Alsop, Vic Bandini, Stan Esckilsen, George Hardeman, Terry Igoe, Lynn (KAZ) Kazmierowski, Kelly McHugh, Dave Nottingham, Randy Thomas and John Wiklanski. The weekend was really great although I can't do the marathon drinking anymore. I hit the bed relatively early every night - food, war stories, and laughs were all great.

We talked about doing some 'boards' from the '68 - '69 time frame to display at the Reunions. KAZ has the lead on the project - we'd like to add to the collection for posterity. We also talked about organizing something for our kids and grandkids to continue on with. Want to keep the light burning for the Rattlers & Firebirds into the future.

May 6, 2024 - ,

Remote Control Rattler   [E-mail]

Former: with
Call sign:

From 2004

Donnie Williamson, an Austin, Texas policeman, is in to remote control aircraft replicas. Donnie has purchased a UH-1D Huey kit from Airstar International – VarioUSA.

This Huey is seven feet long and powered by a weed-eater engine. Donnie contacted the Association asking for permission to display his aircraft as a Rattler. Numerous photos were sent to him for reproduction purposes. Because the photos sent him were from Ron Seabolt’s collection, Williamson’s aircraft will be displayed as a 1967 era Rattler 10.

Donnie has had gun mounts fabricated. He will also have four crewmen in the ship. This is a work in progress. As work continues on this project, more photos will be displayed.

May 6, 2024 - ,

History Channel Uses Association Firebird   [E-mail]

Former: with
Call sign:

From 2003

The History Channel used the Association Firebird Gunship when filming its recent Heavy Metal episode "Huey Helicopter: Air Armada".

May 6, 2024 - ,

Firebirds Then and Now   [E-mail]

Former: with
Call sign:

From 2000

Firebird at Ft. Rucker

The following pictures were taken during a visit to Ft. Hood, TX

May 6, 2024 - ,

Jim Pfister’s Pictures   [E-mail]

Former: with
Call sign:

From 1973

Photos when Pfister returned to the states in 1973.

May 6, 2024 - ,