Herbert Charles Crosby
Name: Herbert Charles Crosby
Rank/Grade: CAPT - O3 - Army - Reserve
Age: 27
Marital Status: Married
Race: Caucasian
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: May 30, 1947
From: Ft Sill, Oklahoma
Length of Service: {Service}
Tour Began: Jan 10, 1970
Casualty Date: November 5, 1974
Hostile/Non-Hostile: Non-Hostile, died missing
Body Recovered: Yes (identified 2006)
Religion: Protestant
Vietnam Memorial: Panel 14W - - Line 22

Welcome Back – it was an honor to attend your service at Arlington.
Rest in Peace Brother
KAZ – Firebird “92”
It was my honor to know Herb when we went thru officer candidate school at Ft Sill. I have followed his career and I am so pleased for him to be identified.Herb was a man and leader who possessed both good humor and good character. We were blessed to know him.
I do not remember Herb, but my mother certainly does. She and I talk often about Mike Bowen (KIA 31 Jan. 1968) and mom always mentions Herb in our chats. I knew Mike, whom my mother tutored in algebra, and wish I had known Herb. I fondly recall being a young boy in Donalsonville, where my family lived 1960-1966. I attended school there through second grade. I recognize the Spooner and Wurst names on the posts. Donalsonville and its people have a special place in my heart. The Moving Wall will be in my area this fall and I will visit to pay my respects to CPT Crosby and PFC Bowen. The world lost so much with the deaths of those 2 young men.
I just today saw your message. I would love to hear from you. I am interested in hearing from anybody who know David.
I was going through some things and found my worn out bracelet that I wore for years in the 70s. I remember placing the star on the bracelet that now has worn away. In the small Arkansas town that I grew up in prayers were going up for his return. It was nice seeing his picture and even a blessing that I now know he is in Arlington. I have relatives in DC and the next time I go I intend to visit his grave. Thank you to his family and friends for your sacrifice. My bracelet is available to a family member if they would like to have it. Just know it is filled with years of prayers.
I got to visit the wall with the updated markings in the Summer of 2009. Recently emailed Marylou and caught up on some old times back in Donalsoville. 40 years after my last art class with his Mother, it is a bit strange that I am a COL, CA USAR with 4 combat tours. I have seen the valor that our citizen-soldiers display.
Just tonight learned of the loss of Herb. We had Advanced Infantry Training at Ft McClellan 1967. I was a training squad leader and He was our training platoon leader. He was a great guy and as good a leader as I had during my 3 yrs in the Army. Herb and I both got orders to Officer Candidate School at Ft. Sill. Due to a paperwork problem my orders were changed to Ft Myer VA with The 3rd Infantry Regiment THE OLD GUARD. The unit that buried Herb at Arlington. I remember Herb leaving AIT a few days early because of the reporting date he had at Ft.Sill. We lost some good people in Nam but none any better than Herb Crosby. I know all his family and friends are proud of him. I am proud to have served with him. I may be able to find some good photographs made of Herb,during AIT. If I can find them I will be honored to send copies.
Glad Herb finally made it home . Have thought of him over the years and prayed for his return . Will catch up when the Lord calls me home .
I have wore CPT Herbert C. Crosby MIA band since attending Army Flight School in 1983. Please excuse my delay in posting as I was deployed to Iraq and only recently found time to review his status. I would be glad to forward his MIA band to family.
Welcome home and God Bless.
In school I admired Herbie more than any other classmate. He and I had common interests – we served in Hi-Y together and went to Atlanta to serve as legislators, making bills, voting, etc. I was a year ahead of Herbie and joined the Air Force shortly after graduation. I had no idea that he too would enlist in the military, not only to serve in Vietnam, but to be so close to where I served. I departed Tam Ky in May 1969. Herbie’s helicopter’s last known position was at Tam Ky. Herbie was reported missing on Jan 10, 1970, the very day that I got married.
I am so thankful that Herbie is finally at rest at HOME….WELCOME HOME HERBIE!!!! We love you!!!!
I visit the Atlanta area every Christmas.Last year I heard the news on a local tv channel about Herbert Crosby’s remains.I have had his MIA braclet since the 70’s, found his name on the Vietnam Memorial in DC,did a rubbing and have had them framed together.They have been a part of my life since the 70’s and I have said many prayers for Herbert Crosby..I tried to contact a family member last year with no success.I thought they may want the braclet and rubbing,but couln’t make a contact.I will always keep Herbert Crosby in my heart..Sincerely,Trish Egan
It has been a year since I checked on my little soldier, only to find out he had been found. I became very emotional when I read this and am relieved for the family he is home. I too have a bracelet that I looked at almost everyday in my jewelry box and said a prayer. My prayer is answered. If you would like to have the bracelet I would gladly send it to you. May God bless you all and now you can rest in peace. Sincerely, Maureen Durbin
I grew up in Donalsonville,Ga in the 60’s like Herby. He was a few years older than me ,but that did’t matter in a small town where every one just cruised the old tastee freeze and hung out .My dad W0odrow ran a Gulf station there.So i got to wash Herbys red 50 model ford and his 68 blue camaro Welcome home to a very special guy whom i remember so very well >He always had a smile and enjoyed life.
I had the honor of attending Herby’s funeral service this past Friday with Rolling Thunder, National. His family and friends will always know there are Americans that did not forget. May there be some peace to all who knew him personally. He was our hometown hero, in Donalsonville, Ga. And every time one walked up to the courthouse we remembered all of our heros from Donalsonvill that never came back from Vietnam. His family can be very proud and rest. As Friday began our 20th anniversary for Rolling Thunder in DC, it was the most important one for me personally – because I witnessed first hand the work so many volunteers are doing to keep bringing our troops home who have remained far too long as MIA-POW. I witnessed first hand the efforts of so many caring and dedicated volunteers to ensure our Government keep this misison alive for other families. God Bless the Crosby family, God Bless our military men and women. Herby, you were not forgotten.
It was an awesome event this past weekend in Wash D.C / Arlington National Cemetary. He deserved / earned this more than we know. It was great meeting Herbies family and friends. Herbie – rest in peace. ski
On April 8th 2005, I took my wife and sons to the moving wall in Selma, Al and showed them Herbs name on panel 14W.
We touched his name, cried, and said a prayer for him to come home. In respect and memory, we have not forgotten.
Herby was 2 years younger than me,but he was the best friend of my first cousin Luke Spooner. I remember Herby’s family life in Donalsonville where I grew up with my parents Booge and Lura Roberts. I only wish Mr. Herb could witness Herby’s final story, but he probably knew it before any of us. I hope this brings a sense of closure to all the family members.
Many memories flow by of a cousin I liked very much.
Herby is finally home.
Ercoupe N99879 will soon have a tribute painted on it in memory of “Firebird 91”
I would like to either obtain a painting or a model of a Firebird aircraft to place in the Hoosier Air Museum at Auburn Indiana airport in honor of Captain Herbert Crosby
Fly Forever Herby
Many memories flow by of a cousin I liked very much.
Herby is finally home.
Ercoupe N99879 will soon have a tribute painted on it in memory of “Firebird 91”
I would like to either obtain a painting or a model of a Firebird aircraft to place in the Hoosier Air Museum at Auburn Indiana airport in honor of Captain Herbert Crosby
Fly Forever Herby
The outpouring of love, respect, and heartfelt grief has touched me and my family so very deeply. I wished my dad had lived to know his boy had returned home.
Crosby flew in my platoon before going to Firebirds. I took the picture of him strutting his stuff shown here. When I heard his remains were recovered, it triggered my memory of taking this pic. He help us build the 71st O-club on the beach. Was a Hell of a nice guy. Loved to have fun.
I met Herby the first day he came to school after his family moved to Donalsonville. We were in the fifth grade. Everything that happend in the next seven years, good and bad we did together. there are so many stories it would take hours to tell. Herby was so positive about everything. It never crossed my mind that he would not come back in a year and things would be the same again. Very few days have gone by inthe last 37 years that Ihave not thought about him. I sure miss him.
the bracelet that I wore with Herb Crosby’s name on it has been given to the family this last sunday Jan 21,2007. See Cincinnati enquirer.com
Jan 23,2007. Rest in peace Capt. Herbert Crosby. God Bless.
Herbie – Welcome Home! The Firebirds are ‘on call’ and will be with you and your family at Arlington.
I was just a sophomore in high school when Herbie was MIA in Vietnam. I feel like I have gotten to know so much more about him now. Aunt Jane, we are happy for you for some closure and Mary Lou & Janie we know you will be strength for your Mom. God bless and we will be there at Arlington in May.
My prom date(future husband) and I visited my aunt in the hospital to see her new baby Herbert C. Crosby Jr. Now I have his MIA bracelet as a remembrance. We will always remember him and miss him. Requiescat in pace!
It has been a good thing that the remains have been found. It gives some closure to my aunt and cousins. Herby was the cutest kid growing up in Ft. Wayne before the family moved to Georgia. He will always be issed. My husband and I hope to make it to the burial in May at Arlington National Cemetery.
Mr. Herbert Charles Crosby… I just wanted to say thank-you for all that you did for this country. I greatyly appreciate it. You are NOT forgotten.
I was cleaning out drawers in my dresser and found the copper bracelet with Capt. Herbert Crosby’s name on it. I wore it in the 70’s when we hoped the MIA’s would be found. If his family wants it, I’d be glad to send it. It is dated 1-10-7-.
Carol Stratton