April 1992 Letter

April 27, 1992


We now have less than ten months until our reunion in Memphis. The dates once again are: arrive on Friday, February 12, 1993, mingle all day Saturday, February 13th, and return home Sunday, February 14th.

The accommodations that Larry Smith and I agreed on is the Ramada Memphis, located at 2490 Mt. Moriah Road, Memphis, Tennessee 38115. The telephone number is (901) 362-8010.

We have a block of 20 rooms set aside for us under the heading “71st Assault Helicopter Company” (Rattlers). Everyone must make their own reservations. If we have at least 10 rooms taken, our rate will be $47 for a single and $54 for a double. The rate if we do not have at least 10 rooms will be around $70. If we are able to take all 20 rooms, the motel will throw in a hospitality room for our use. The hospitality room cost $75 per night, so if we don’t have the required 20 reservations we might want to kick in about $5.00 each and rent this for Saturday night.

I am enclosing a ’93 calendar, and a map of Memphis showing the city’s tourist attractions. Some of our people (wives especially) might be interested in seeing Elvis Presley’s home during their stay. The Ramada Memphis is located at I-240 and Mt. Moriah which is highlighted on the map.

I am still awaiting word from the U.S. Army Reserve Center in St. Louis, on the addresses of some former rattlers. My congressman is now assisting me in this process. The following persons were listed in my inquiry through this congressman:

  • Major George F. Jackson, Jr
  • Capt. Harold L. Bowen
  • W.O. Conrad R. Howard
  • W.O. Beryl F. Scott
  • W.O. Wallace W. Dunning, Jr.
  • SSGT. Lawrence M. Lackey
  • SP/4 Louis M. Becker
  • SP/4 John M. Lynch
  • SP/4 John B. Cervinski
  • SP/4 Arthur R. Taylor

Hopefully, we can have some success finding these people and include them in the reunion.

Remember, when you make your reservations, be sure and tell them you are with the 71st Assault Helicopter Company reunion. Also, I would appreciate it if you could drop me a line to let me know you have made your reservation, so I can keep up with our reunion status.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Ron Seabolt

6410 Fallbrook Dr.
Garland, TX 75043
(214) 226-2289