Rattler/Firebird Vietnam Service

These links lead to pages that deal with our unit’s service in Vietnam between 1964 and 1971.


A searchable listing of the aircraft used by the Rattlers and Firebirds from September 1966 and later, along with historical accident/incident reports and assignment history.

Vietnam Veterans Recognition

Things have changed since we came home from Vietnam. It took many years, but public perception has changed somewhat and our service is being recognized and appreciated by most people.

Unit History

A textual living history of our unit’s service from its formation in 1962, through deployment to Vietnam in 1964, to 1971 compiled from a variety of historical documents and unit histories.


A large listing of “war stories” authored by the men who served with us.

Unit Awards

A comprehensive listing of all awards authorized for the unit during our Vietnam service.

Unit Rosters

Unit rosters from 1964 through 1970 as well as a listing of all the

Call Signs

A sortable listing of the call signs used by the men in our unit.


A collection of more than 5,000 photographs taken by our men.


Assorted videos from our own members as well as YouTube.

In Memoriam

A tribute to those men from our unit who made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of their country.