A veteran – whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve – is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America,” for an amount of “up to and including my life.”


We realize this is not May. Be that as it may, this is still your May Newsletter. It will be followed in about four weeks by the Association directory to all dues paying members in good standing. If you do not pay dues, pay close attention to the next paragraph.

IMPORTANT ITEM: Effective with the November 2012 newsletter, all non-dues paying persons on our mailing list will no longer receive the newsletter. The newsletter will continue to be posted on our website when mailed. Our dues are only $12 per year with life memberships at $125 if aged 65 or below and $100 if aged 66 and above. A look at the mailing label of this newsletter will tell you your dues status. If there is a 2013 (or higher) to the right of your name, you are paid through at least June 30th of next year. The word Life or C Life (charter member) will continue to receive newsletters. This move will save almost $2,000 per year.

There was a strong sentiment at our reunion to hold the 2014 reunion in the Dallas / Fort Worth area. By a unanimous vote of our board of directors Military Reunion Planners has been given authority to attempt to find a suitable location and contract for 2014. This is always a trying procedure to reach agreement on a deal that will assist our men in affordability. Most only see the end result in that magical four or five days two years down the road. We never leave a reunion without learning something new, like the need for inclusion of free (we hope) Wi-Fi in our next contract.

Gordon Stone
Gordon Stone

The list of men at the reunion is as correct as possible. There were cancellations and surprise show-ups as always so the list was a moving target. Please try and remember that the best way you can help your Association leadership is by making early hotel reservations and registration with our reunion planners. We need the numbers to enable us to get decent contracts. This is what we have to sell is people in the rooms and at the banquets. Once again we topped 500 room nights sold and 300 persons for the banquet.

In case you may have forgotten how the Firebird call signs became known as starting with nines instead of threes (the Firebirds were our third platoon), Gordon Stone related at the reunion how he was flying “lead” of a light fire team near Vung Tau when over the radio came the call, “3-6 receiving fire!”. Stone’s wing man immediately put fire below Stone’s aircraft, where a convoy of ARVNS were passing. Luckily no one was injured. When they returned to Bien Hoa, Stone suggested that all Firebird call signs should begin with the number nine to avoid this from happening again. The rest, as they say, is history.

This newsletter ends with Dorothy Johnson’s poem about finally meeting the man whose life was spared when her brother, Captain Wil Latimer, bumped him from the mission that ended with Latimer’s death. Most men who saw combat up close and personal have at one time asked the question, “Why him and not me?” If you have been there and done that you know the guilt feelings that one’s mind can fill you with.

On December 8, 1966, I (Ron Seabolt) had been crewing for only two weeks when a very well liked crew chief, Ernie Palmieri, was killed. I took my “cherry” hit that day and had a man on board wounded. When I returned to our tent hootch that evening I could not help but feel that these guys had to be thinking, “Why couldn’t it have been the new guy?” As the months passed and more and more men were killed, I never had thoughts like those I imagined were occurring on evening of December 8th. But I never forgot how guilty I felt that day.

The sentiments below are typical of a “first timer” at our reunions and taken from our website guestbook

Marsden F. Sanford Sr. Dave Weber, Jim Waddell, Marsden Sanford and Ed Mills
Dave Weber, Jim Waddell, Marsden Sanford and Ed Mills

Former: Enlisted Crew Chief with 71st Assault Helicopter Company in 1967-1968

Firebirds & fellow Rattlers, it sure was great seeing “ya’ll.” Had some great chats with my fellow “F Troopers”, I recommend anyone debating going to the next one in Dallas to not give it a second thought. GET THERE! You will never regret it. It was my first and I had a great time and so did my wife. I sure do regret not going to any of the previous re-unions. Ron and the rest of the committee did a wonderful job. And a special thanks to Chuck Carlock for hauling those 2 aircraft all that way. The ships sure did bring it all together. I loved it! See y’all in “Big D”, Marsden Sanford, EM Oct 5, 67-Oct 5, 68.


One hundred and fifty three former members of our company had a great time at our reunion, again. We shared the hotel with thirteen rookies of the New Orleans Saints. It was not too difficult to determine which people belonged with which group.


By Penny Womack

Twenty six women attended the “Meet and Greet” ladies meeting held at four pm on Thursday the 22nd. In Kay Seabolt’s absence it was hosted by Kathy Bowen and Paula O’Quinn and assisted by Penny Womack. Instead of the usual meeting it was decided that we would have an “Ice Breaker Social”. We began by sitting in a large circle and each woman was asked to introduce herself and tell a little about where she is from, her family and their military experience. It was learned that we had a couple of first time attendees which we welcomed along with the old timers. It was truly heartwarming to hear that we all shared a common bond of love and devotion and immense respect and pride for the men we married and the sacrifices they made as very young men.

Upon conclusion of the introductions we played a fun game introduced by Kathy and prizes were awarded to the winners. Kitty Sienkiewicz was our best guesser and won a large container of chocolates which she graciously shared with all the attendees. A couple of door prizes were awarded which concluded our meeting.

We would like to encourage more women to attend. In the future we are planning more fun and games and even light refreshments. Please join us in 2014. Until we meet again, take care and may God Bless.


One of the regular fixtures at our reunions since the first one in 1993 has always been our Memorial Service on Saturday mornings.This service began with a short welcome by National Director Ron Seabolt and followed by the Association Chaplin Eric Kilmer leading us in the Invocation, Psalm and Prayer.

Vic Bandini recounted the services and burial of Andy Howes, the last remaining unaccounted for MIA from the ill fated 10 January 1970 Firebird flight that disappeared into the jungles while returning to Chu Lai.

Vic then read the list of 10 men who died in Vietnam after serving with us. Among those names was Daniel Fernandez, who was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously while serving in the 25th Infantry Division. The last name read was Wilber Dale Latimer, whose sister Dorothy Johnson, was in attendance. Dorothy’s emotional letter to the Association is contained in this newsletter.

Our list of 55 KIAs was read by Ron Seabolt as they appeared on the 10 foot screen. The entire audience answering “here” as each name was read.

MG Tom Griffith came forth and instructed the veterans and guests of the protocol for delivering a hand salute. As “Taps” was played by Col. Pat Rosenow, the “present arms” order was given. Following the “order arms” command by General Griffith, our unofficial anthem, Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA” was played to a standing audience. For the first time in memory, the singing by Greenwood was joined by most of the audience. This was truly a moving experience.

The Lord’s Prayer was led by Ron Seabolt with Rev. Eric Kilmer leading the Benediction.


Our Business Meeting was then held with election of officers and members-at-large of the board of directors conducted by David O’Quinn. The officer positions are currently held by Ron Seabolt, National Director, Johnnie Hitt as Deputy National Director and Chuck Carlock as Secretary / Treasurer. The officer positions do not have term limits.

There were two vacancies on our board of directors due to the four year term limit on members-at-large. Terry Igoe and John Mateyko had served for four years on the board with MG Tom Griffith and John Wiklanski nominated to replace them. With six persons vying for six positions, O’Quinn called for a motion to except the slate by acclimation. The motion was offered by several members and also seconded by several members. The verbal vote followed with a rousing majority of “ayes” and not any “nays” that were heard. So passed the new board of directors.

A group photo session was organized with the normal confusion. The “official” photos were taken by Wilkie Boyd, the Association Photographer of long standing. This is also Seabolt’s brother-in-law, having started first grade together in 1952.

After several individual groups were photographed, the “War Stories” segment began, being led by Doug Womack. When this was completed we emptied the ballroom so the hotel could ready it for the Saturday night banquet.


The week was ended in style with the cocktail hour followed by the Saturday night banquet. A mistake was made by your Association leadership which resulted in the closing of the bar at 7 pm for the evening to begin. Future cocktail hours will display at the bar exactly when they will close and this will be later than as happened in New Orleans.

Vic Bandini, our Reunion Committee Chairman, ordered The Firebird Honor Guard to post the colors followed by former POW Jim Pfister leading the group in The Pledge of Allegiance. Hand salutes were rendered by all veterans as a recording of The Star Spangled Banner was sung by Christie Phillips. She is the daughter of Allie Campbell, a deceased former unit member.

Reverend Eric Kilmer led us in prayer and the meal was served.

Johnnie and Ila Hitt
Johnnie and Ila Hitt

The raffle ticket drawing was conducted by Johnnie Hitt. Rick Rodriquez took home a $250 Macy’s card with the first pick in the raffle. Tina Kazz was next and chose the $250 Cabala’s card, because Rick already had the Macy’s card! Howard Bahlke got a great prize with the “his” and “hers” tail rotor chain bracelets. If you do not think this is a great prize, try buying one, much less two of these. Paul Garrett took home the brass cyclic head and spice gift set. The final prize was taken by Ron Seabolt’s niece, Tracie Hibbs. All the winning tickets had been drawn by Ron’s great niece and Tracie’s daughter Anna. The prize was a framed Vietnam Wall Postal Commemorative and a beautiful carved wooden ball point pen. Lest you think there was some hanky panky going on with this ticket, Tracie gracefully gave the “Wall” Commemorative to Ed Maryliw.

Ron Seabolt then had a few opening remarks topped off by his wife Kay speaking to the group via speaker phone. After Kay’s remarks, the open phone was placed on the podium where Kay was able to listen to the entire night’s activities. Kay is battling cancer and had to miss her first reunion. She has a column also in this newsletter.

Ron then spoke about some unfinished business. About the scariest flight he never took. This concerned the night of July 14, 1967 when an ocean going ship was pitted against Firebird 93 Dave Ellingsworth and his wingman. The flight never took was the night combat assault that would have resulted if the ship had not been stopped dead in the water by 93’s rockets. Fire from the shore looked like the 4th of July to Major George Jackson flying the flare ship. That’s the same shore on which we would have inserted troops that night. The unfinished business was a “Thank you for possibly saving my life that night!” Forty-five years late!

Next up, Vic Bandini recognized many in the audience for their service to our country.

The “Jesus Nut Award”, given to the person coming the greatest distance to the reunion, was won by Ron Taylor of Salkum, WA, a distance of 2614 miles. This award began in Memphis in 1993. No repeat winners are allowed.

Atty VanHamel and Rober Pavlik
Atty VanHamel and Rober Pavlik
Nate Wilondek and Tom Griffith
Nate Wilondek and Tom Griffith

Our very first “Rattler 6”, Lew Henderson presented Atty VanHamel with the “Unsung Hero Award” for his distinguished service in 1964 and 65. This award goes to persons whose primary duties were not as flight crew members.

Dan Grigsby presented Doug Womack with the “Rattler Legend Award” which is signified by a Heliplaque from Paul Bartlett. Doug’s unceasing work to get well deserved medals for our men stands as a testament of dogged determination. Almost every one of you knows someone who failed to get the proper recognition forty plus years ago. Doug’s mission in life is to right these wrongs!

A first time event for our reunion was the awarding of the Distinguished Flying Cross to Nate Wilondek for actions in 1971. Vic Bandini called the audience to, “Attention to orders!” The citation was then read by Vic. The medal was attached to Nate’s clothing by our senior ranking officer, Major General Tom Griffith. General Griffith shook Nate’s hand, took one step back and saluted.

A Joe Galloway recording of “God’s Own Lunatics” was played to the audience. Never was a more appropriate introduction made for Joe Galloway in front of an audience made up of Army aviators and crewmen. The chill bumps it causes are unforgettable. It is on our website under “sounds.” Listen to it tug on your senses. What follows is the text of that recording:

(Soft music plays as a Huey hovers nearby) “I don’t know if there’s anybody here today who doesn’t thrill to the sound of those blades. That familiar whop whop whop is the soundtrack of our war. The lullaby of our younger days. To someone who spent his time in ‘Nam with the grunts, I’ve got to tell you that noise was always a great comfort. It meant someone was coming to help. Someone was coming to get our wounded. Someone was coming to bring us water and ammo. Someone was coming to take our dead brothers home. And eventually someone was coming to give us a ride outta hell. Even today when I hear it I stop, catch my breath and think back to those days. I love you guys as only an infantryman can. No matter how bad things were, if we called you came. Down through the green tracers and other visible signs of a real bad day, off to a real bad start. To us you seemed beyond brave and fearless. That you would come to us in the middle of battle, in those flimsy thin skinned crates and in the storm of fire you would sit up there behind that thin plexiglas seeming so patient and so calm, and so vulnerable, waiting for the off-loading and the on-loading. We thought you were God’s own lunatics and we loved you. Still do. We’re the fortunate ones. We survived when so many better men gave up their precious lives for us. We owe them a sacred debt to live each day to its fullest. What they’re saying when you listen hard enough is this, we are at peace, and so should you be, and so should be.” (sound of a Huey passing)

We closed the evening by thoughts of the 32 men who have appeared in our “Taps” section since we were in Nashville and especially the 4 of those who attended the 2010 reunion.

Editor’s note: Joe Galloway was his usual self, totally comfortable with a bunch of war veterans. He brings laughter, and then brings tears. This man is a national treasure to veterans. Joe and his bride, Dr. Gracie Lim, were recently married in Las Vegas.

The preceding text of Joe’s recording should be considered by the “slick” drivers and crewmen as validation for all you did while with our unit. No one has ever said it better in the 45 years since I left Vietnam. To hear this recording on our website, at the top of the home page put your cursor on “miscellaneous” and then on “sounds”. When that page opens, scroll down toward the bottom of the page and click on “God’s Own Lunatics”. You will not be disappointed!

I would like to personally thank the members of my extended family who graciously helped in all phases of our reunion to make it a success. When the word “all phases” is thrown out there it is meant to cover the drivers who helped get us there, Wilkie Boyd and Scott Irby. The assistance with buying, loading, hauling and icing down of beer, sodas and water by everyone who helped. The runs made to Winn / Dixie for our deli plates by Wilkie and Scott. The untold hours spent working in the “company store” by Sandy and Wilkie Boyd, Scott and Donna Irby, Tracie, Kenny and Anna Hibbs (and some others like Johnnie Hitt). The expert audio / visual work during the Memorial Service and Banquet by Scott Irby. And finally thanks to Wilkie Boyd again for accompanying me back to the Carlock Compound on Thursday following the reunion to assist Chuck Carlock in the unloading of the trailer and helicopter of display material and the return of the merchandise of the “company store” to the Seabolt’s for mailing to you as ordered. Special thanks also go to Dewayne Williams and Daniel Patterson for their important contributions to our successful reunion.

No one knows more that I how much we owe to Chuck Carlock for the very successful reunions we always have. It can never be repaid, but he does not want it to be.

Deb Collins baked, packed and delivered delicious home-made cookies to our reunion, driving in from Corpus Christi, TX.

My thanks to all of you for your prayers and concerns for my wonderful wife and life mate Kay.


The Association has learned of the following deaths since our last newsletter:

  • Richard Banaszak (WO 64-65) died on 10 September 2011 from multiple sclerosis.
  • James Dixon (WO 65) died on 20 January 2012 of leukemia.
  • Frank Grosso (EM 68-69 died on 2 May 2012 of cancer.
  • Salvatore Lebalbo (EM 67-68) died in 2004 of diabetes.
  • David Lee Menasco (EM 71) died on 2 February 2012 from cancer.
  • Stephen J. Siffel (EM 65-66) died on 10 July 1974 while walking, hit by auto.


From Jim Moore: Fellow Rattlers,

I remember Dick Banaszak very well. He rotated just before I made Aircraft Commander, and I inherited his call sign, Rattler28. Jerry Cobb made up a song about him one time, the lyrics of whichI have long forgotten.

Before I attended my first Rattler reunion in Orlando in ’98 I called Dick, who lived about a two hour drive from me in Maryland, and asked him if he would be going. He said no, he didn’t travel much anymore, because “MS has got me real bad.”Rest in Peace, Rattler.


From an email received from Dorothy Johnson, sister of Wil Latimer

I thought of your group all day and through the evening, wishing I were there with you last night to hear Joe Galloway speak. This reunion is a grand thing. It surely provides more healing than many hours on the shrink’s couch could ever bring. I felt so honored and embraced as the men and their wives helped me remember Wil. The time among you was a great blessing to me.

I am grateful that Ron Seabolt and Mark Leopold kept the gentle pressure on me to attend more than just one evening. My experience made me wish I had done so sooner, but I’m a Believer, so I think the way it came about through Mark meeting my friend, Robert Fureigh, last year was God’s own timing for me.

I listened to God’s Own Lunatics and The Man in the Doorway on your websiteand thought about how I walked among some of those lunatics this weekend—warriors of great courage whose experiences I will never fully comprehend. Their gentleness belies the job they performed faithfully. I am so proud to have met each one, to have hugged necks and shared memories. I am proud of each one for serving our country well. I thought about Ray Foley as I listened to The Man in the Doorway. Such thoughtful men should be left to peaceful pursuits, yet when they are called to such a task, they come through in glory. There are so many men, so many stories. I wish I knew them all.

I’m waxing sentimental, but there is an aspect of grief that flares up from time to time in this journey of life. The 40th anniversary of Wil’s death last year was such a time. He was with me all the time, yet beyond my reach. But I left you with a new measure of peace and the feeling that he rests in peace, knowing I have many brothers now—some, like you, Ron, didn’t even know him. Please know your kindness touched me.

We are at the Navarre Beach, one of our favorite places, even with tropical storm Debbie bringing pounding surf. In 30 years, we’ve never seen the surf so high, but things have calmed down tonight, and the sun will be out ina day or two.

At some point soon, I will transcribe that letter I mentioned in which Wil wrote about the night Frank Anton and Jim Pfister were captured. I’m asking you to decide if it would help or hinder them to read it. I would never want to hurt anyone.

I am attaching a few pictures we took and a poemI wrote about our visit with Clyde Romero, the pilot Wil bumped from that fateful flight that resulted in Wil’s death. Clyde visited us shortly after the Gulf War broke out and told us about that day. His visit gave me the gift of understanding how much Wil had impacted other soldiers’ lives. It helped me get over the feeling that he died in vain because of the way the war ended.

Please don’t feel you have to do anything with it. I’d just like to share it with you because you opened your hearts to me.

Gratefully, Dorothy Latimer Johnson.

Editor’s note: Wil Latimer served as a Firebird pilot in the 67-68 eras. He was killed on 19 January 1971 by a sniper while piloting an OH-6 (Loach). His name has been brought up so much it’s as if we all knew him.


By Kay Seabolt

2012 has not been my best year. On the up side Ron and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. I use the word celebrate loosely since Ron was sick with an upper respiratory infection which he kindly passed on to me. On the down side, Lymphoma and chemotherapy have been a real bummer. But, it has also been a year of spiritual growth. For whatever God puts in your path, He is faithful to carry you through. I’ve seen the power of prayer so many times throughout this journey. I am so blessed to have so many prayer warriors who pray for me daily. Whenever I have a specific need I let them know and the next thing I know…prayer answered!

My cancer saga began back in January when I accidently and I stress accidently, found a swollen lymph node in my groin. There was no pain or tenderness just a hard lump. Off to the doctor I go. A sonogram revealed two swollen nodes. “Likely reactive” was the radiologists results meaning I probably had an infection going on somewhere. So I was put on a round of antibiotics. There was no change. I put off going back for a few weeks until I came down with an upper respiratory infection that I just could not get over (thank you Ron.) During my office visit I casually mentioned, “Oh by the way, my lymph node is still swollen.” That started a chain reaction of visits to an oncologist and a surgeon who performed surgery to remove the nodes.

When the results of the biopsy came back Lymphoma, I felt like I had been hit by a freight train. I don’t know what I expected but that was not it. Not just one type but two different types. Who does that?? That same day I was back for a bone marrow biopsy, and given a prescription for a wig. Really, wasn’t this going a little too fast? The next week I had a port placed, a CT scan, a PET scan, and an echocardiogram. I was worn out just getting ready to start treatment.

We serve a mighty God, and he blessed me in that the cancer was contained. It had not spread. Ron and I both felt a big sigh of relief. My treatment consists of four rounds of chemotherapy followed by radiation. By the time you read this, I will have completed my last round of chemo. I am hopeful that the radiation will go easier because the chemo has definitely knocked me on my rear.

I hated missing this past reunion, and thought about you all week. After I said “hello” during the banquet, Ron left his phone on and I was able to hear the speakers. It was great to experience a little taste of the reunion. Joe Galloway was great as usual.

In closing, I want to share a bumper sticker that Ron and I saw shortly before I started my chemotherapy treatments. We had been out to eat with friends when we spotted a truck parked next to ours with a bumper sticker that said two little words…. Cancer Sucks. My sentiments exactly. See you in two years.


The Headquarters Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Aviation Management (OAM) announced the 2011 DOE Aviation Management Award winner:

Mr. Les Winfield, Aviation Manager, Nevada Site Office (NSO), National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), is the winner of the 2011 DOE Federal Aviation Management Professional Award. Les provides management and oversight of the National Security TechnologiesLLC (NSTec) Remote Sensing Laboratory, Aerial Measuring System operations at Nellis AFB, NV, and Joint Base Andrews, MD. In his nomination, NSO officials praised Mr. Winfield for his aviation expertise in Operations Management and his leadership skills as a communicator. The award honors Les as the most outstanding DOE Federal Aviation Management Professional of 2011.

Editor’s note: Les Winfield served in our unit as a warrant officer in the 70-71 era. Les and his lovely wife Susan are regulars at our reunions.

VA Beneficiary Travel

There are many factors determining travel eligibility and it is important Veterans with questions get accurate information. Veterans may call (919) 286 – 0411, extension 6237with questions that are not answered on our website. If you meet the criteria below, you may be eligible for mileage reimbursement or special mode transport in association with obtaining VA health care services.

You Qualify If:

  1. You have a service-connected (SC) rating of 30 percent or more, or
  2. you are traveling for treatment of a SC condition, or
  3. you receive a VA pension, or
  4. your income does not exceed the maximum annual VA pension rate, or
  5. you are traveling for a scheduled compensation or pension examination

You Qualify for Special Mode Transportation (Ambulance, Wheelchair van etc.) if:

  1. your medical condition requires an ambulance or a specially equipped van as determined by a VA clinician, and
  2. you meet one of the eligibility criteria in 1 through 4 above, and
  3. the travel is pre-authorized (authorization is not required for emergencies if a delay would be hazardous to life or health)

Mileage Rates:

General Travel…………………………………….………………$0.415 (41.5 cents) per mile

Scheduled appointments qualify for round-trip mileage. Unscheduled visits may be limited to return mileage only.

Deductible (effective January 9, 2009)…………….. $3.00 one-way ($6.00 round trip)

Deductible requirement is subject to a monthly cap of $18.00. Upon reaching $18.00 in deductibles or 6 one-way (3 round) trips, whichever comes first, travel payments made for the balance of that particular month will be free of deductible charges.

Waiver of Deductible:

A waiver of the deductible will be provided if you are eligible for travel and you:

  1. are in receipt of a VA pension or;
  2. are a NSC veteran and your previous year’s income does not exceed, or your projected current calendar year’s income, in the year of application will not exceed the applicable VA pension rate, or
  3. are a SC veteran and your previous year’s income does not exceed, or your projected current calendar year’s income, in the year of application will not exceed the applicable national means test income threshold or,
  4. are traveling for a scheduled compensation and pension exam


New wars stir old soldiers in search of peace to share their souls;
thus came Clyde’s call, long deferred, an offering of remembrances,
precious details of Will’s last day. Official notification reveals
so little when measured against a comrade’s recollections.
A visit held promise of new understanding and perhaps freedom
for him from an enduring guilt.

I called Mom and Dad; wife long, remarried and best friend, Jeff.
Jeff declined; the prospect too costly; why risk the peace he’d found.
Goodbyes said, he’d folded up their golden days and stowed them
securely out of sight. I understood such things allow no touching,
lest in the taking out and unfolding, one might disturb some invisible valve
that would inflate old sorrows till they filled the room and smothered life away.

But in a sister’s way, I had set our loss squarely before me that I might
take up this dark grief and turn it over in my hands to comprehend
and grow accustomed to its hollow feel, always looking for the why,
for a way Will’s death was not in vain. So as girls are known to do,
I said, “Please come,” and we welcomed Clyde as he fearlessly unrolled
his tattered tale of a mission changed that gave him life
but snatched our Will’s away.

As he laid the story out and smoothed it straight,
we forged a bond, based not on war
but on love for his young captain who made the choice
to fly the chopper that day into the sights of an elusive sniper
whose careful aim and sure shot forever changed those left behind:
ours, an awful emptiness; for Clyde, the burden of survival,
a youth colored by the gray question, “Why Will and not me?”

As he spoke, I made my peace with our costly sacrifice.
A time to live, a time to die, who’s to say the why of it?
Our family’s only son, though gone from us, was still present
when an seasoned warrior straightened his shoulders and
headed home in a strength only veterans understand.

Dorothy Latimer Johnson


Alsop, James Garrett, Paul Newton, Dennis
Arndt, Greg Ginter, Duane Nottingham, David
Arne, Gary Griffith, Tom Olson, Robert
Bahlke, Howard Grigsby, Dan O’Quinn, David
Bair, Norman Hall, Will Parcher, Dick
Bandini, Vic Hand, Dennis Parks, Gary
Baragona, Jim Hansen, Michael Parr, Richard
Bartlett, Paul Hardeman, Jim Patrick, Bill
Beaumont, Michael Henderson, Lewis Pavlik, Robert
Bell, Bernard Hennigan, Bill Pfister, Jim
Benedict, David Hiler, Jim Ratliff, Bob
Benedict, Don Hitt, Johnnie Rennie, John
Biermann, Fred Hobbs, Roger Richardson, Jerry
Bleeker, Richard Holgerson, Bill Riley, Pat
Bowen, Hal Hopkins, Doug Rodgers, Don
Bozich, Ron Hoss, John Rodriguez, Richard
Bracken, John Hunter, David Rogers, Mike
Brooks, Stewart Igoe, Terry Runyon, Scott
Callahan, Pat Jachim, Gary Sanford, Marsden
Cameron, Mike Jackson, Greg Schwem, Duke
Carisle, Michael Jobson, Jim Seabolt, Ron
Carlock, Chuck Johnson, Gordon Sienkiewicz, Dick
Carson, Frank Johnson, J.T. Silva, Tom
Cervinski, John Kazmierowski, Lynn Smith, Larry
Chauncey, Michael Keller, Bill Spencer, Paul
Clements, Ron Kilmer, Eric Spivey, David
Collins, Jim Koonce, Phil Starkey, Doug
Conn, Danny Lackey, Sarge Stone, Gordon
Cronin, Rick Lane, Doug Sundberg, Raymond
Curtis, Mike Lard, Bill Surwillo, Jim
Cylc, Stanley Leopold, Mark Taylor, Ron
Dame, Jim Lohman, Rich Teelin, Paul
Day, Richard London, Bill Theberge, Roger
Dean, James Lurvey, Bill Thomas, Randall
Dewey, Robert Lynam, Don VanHamel, Atty
Doyle, Kenneth Malek, Jim Waddell, Jim
Drewry, Will Malone, James Wade, Bob
Duncan, John Marcano, Chico Wade, Ervin
Edsten, Bruce Marinaro, Tony Waldrip, Gene
Eggleston, Rob Matthews, Ernie Wasson, Terry
Ehrich, Dick Martin, Kirk Weber, Dave
Ellingsworth, David Martin, Steve Webster, Rick
Engel, Dale Maryliw, Ed White, Gary
Ericsson, Jerry May, John Whitehead, Shirley
Esckilsen, Stan McAuley, Tom Wiegand, Ken
Evanson, James McCullough, Robert Wiklanski, John
Fischer, Gary McMahon, Kerry Wilhelm, Jay
Foley, Ray Meche, Hubert Wilondek, Nate
Fortenberry, Will Miller, Jim Winfield, Les
Freeman, Wendell Mills, Ed Womack, Doug
Gardiner, Robert Mitchell, Walt Wright, Bobby

Bill Holgerson and Frenchy Parr Chuck Carlock and Diane and Jim Miller Dennis Newton and James Dean Dorothy Johnson and Friends Jim Alsop, Dave Nottingham, Jim Hiler, John Wiklanski, and Chico Marcano Jerry Ericsson and Joe Galloway Kirk Martin, Benedict Twins, Ernie Matthews, Ron Seabolt and Chuck Carlock Kris and Eric Kilmer Norman Bair Sarge Lackey and Oly Olson