Rattler/Firebird 2016 Reunion Attendees Roster

106 of our men attended the 2016 reunion

Jim Adams Dennis Hand Chico Marcano Marsden Sanford
Jim Alsop Mike Hansen Tony Marinaro Ron Seabolt
Greg Arndt Bill Hennigan Ed Maryliw Tom Silva
Norman Bair Johnnie Hitt Sonny Massner Fred Smith
Vic Bandini Roger Hobbs John May Larry Smith
Mike Beaumont Bill Holgerson Kelly McHugh Paul Spencer
Fred Biermann Doug Hopkins Kerry McMahon Carl Stanat
Hal Bowen Clark Hopper Jerry Meader Dick Stanley
John Bracken John Hoss Butch Meche Doug Starkey
Stewart Brooks Dave Hunter Jim Miller Paul Teelin
Mike Callahan Terry Igoe Ed Mills Randy Thomas
Chuck Carlock Steve Israel Jim Moore Atty Van Hamel
Jim Collins Wes Johanson Dave Nottingham Ervin Wade
Danny Conn Gordon Johnson David O’Quinn Gene Waldrip
Carl Coyan J.T. Johnson Dick Parcher Terry Wasson
Bob Dewey Mel Jones Bill Patrick Dave Weber
Pete Dolbee Lynn Kazmierowski Archie Pitts Gary White
Dick Ehrich Bruce Kelly Larry Plumb Shirley Whitehead
Dave Ellingsworth Don Kleiber Erick Ragsdale Ken Wiegand
Dale Engel Tom Knapp Bob Ratliff John Wiklanski
Jerry Fairfield Ralph Kuhnert John Reis Jay Wilhelm
Gary Fischer Mark Leopold John Rennie Ben Williams
Wendell Freeman Rich Lohman Jerry Richardson Les Winfield
Jim Fulbrook Bill London Pat Riley Doug Womack
Bob Gardiner Bill Lurvey Richard Rodriguez Bob Wright
Larry Gillespie Don Lynam Mike Rogers 
Chuck Gross Jim Malek Scott Runyon